Integrative Child Therapy is a form of play therapy. This relatively short-termed form of child therapy is specifically designed for children aged 4-12. The therapy focuses on the inner world of your child and the relationships he or she encounters in the world outside (for example at school or within the family).
In this form of child therapy, your child is the focal point, not their problem. The child “has” and “experiences” a problem, but the child “is” by no means, the problem.
In the sessions, your child will get a chance to rediscover his/her own strengths and power of choice, and will explore the root of the problem, as well as how s/he wants to handle it, what s/he needs to overcome the challenge.
I think it is important that your child feels that s/he has regained control over his/her choices and behaviour. I want to help them listen to their emotions and what they are telling them, in order for them to figure out how to move on the road-map from the ‘current situation’ (undesirable situation) to the ‘desired situation’. Your child and I map this road out together, and I help your child take the necessary steps s/he needs to achieve his/her chosen destination.
Together, your child and I will explore his/her needs and possibilities, talk about feelings, how we handle them and explore together how we can best express them, in an age appropriate way (a 10 year old having a tantrum in the supermarket is probably not as age-appropriate as a 2 year old having the same fit ;-) ).
Together with you and your child, we will look for ways to empower him/her and give him/her tools to understand themselves better (thus becoming happier!).
** Sometimes I also work with schools and teachers, so that we get a complete picture of the challenges or difficulties your child faces. If needed and with your signed permission only, I observe your child while s/he is at school (usually once is enough) and tell you what I saw and how I think you can help your child overcome his or her difficulties.
If you have any questions, please reach out. I’d love to help!
Do you have the feeling that you no longer know what is going on in your child’s mind? Not sure why the bedtime ritual always ends in crying, leaving you feeling frustrated and exhausted? Do you think that as a parent you do not always deal or communicate with your child in the appropriate way? (pssst! we all think that sometimes!). If all or any of those are true for you, or if you just have the feeling you could use some insight & tips on how to handle certain situations better, then you’ve come to the right place!
Parental coaching is actually a form of family support. As a Parenting Coach I help parents who have questions about parenting or who experience problems during the upbringing of their children.
Parenting is an ongoing learning process, which can be stressful and demanding, at times. As a mother of two boys, I know that all too well. My goal as a parenting coach is therefore to help you approach the raising of your children in a positive, constructive, loving and respectful manner. especially- what your child needs in order to establish a healthy development and what you, as a parent need for caring, stimulating and positive parenting.
How do you achieve a good balance between clarity & structure and involvement & warmth? How do you set boundaries in a constructive way? How can you communicate effectively with your child? What does your child actually need from you right now? We will look at these and other aspects of your parenting together and together we will find the best way for your family.
What happens during a parental coaching session: During these sessions we highlight an issue you are dealing with, talk about it and try to get to the bottom of it. Together we try to understand it and we look for different ways to deal with it. We check which one of the suggested coping means is the right one for you and your family (it has to be right for you, since it has to work for you). The goal is to give you insight into the various situations that you deal with as a parent and to look for suitable solutions that fit you and your family best.
This type of consultation offers you support in your role as a parent. The number of sessions you need depends on you and the challenges you are facing. Sometimes you only need one or two sessions!
Sometimes everything can seem to be too much. You may have doubts, feel insecure or feel that you don’t belong. A lot of young people experience those feelings, did you know that?
Young people sometimes need some support in finding their own way to a balanced, enjoyable adult life. A listening and positive ear or good advice from a parent or a friend often help. But sometimes there is more to it. Young people have a great need for adults who can be empathetic and help, without judgement or criticism. Someone who is not in their close family or friends circle, who can help them define their goals and tackle their challenges head on.
In my work with young adults (aged 12-23) I work process-driven, so that my client achieves his/her set goals in his/her own pace. The sessions are actually a combination of psychotherapy (what do I feel? How do I express this? What are my patterns? etc) and coaching (goal-oriented, solution-oriented and practical). I use techniques and methods from different coaching & psychotherapy streams to strengthen confidence and to increase and stimulate the client's self-steering ability so that s/he tackles the problem him/herself, builds confidence in his or her own strengths and abilities and achieves his/her set goals (which we work on defining during the first few sessions).
With what kind of questions do young people often come to me? "Am I normal?" “I’m confused about my gender”"I can't clear my mind, I wish I didn't think so much." "I feel depressed." "I have a stomach ache and they can't find anything." "I feel like I don't belong.""I have so many decisions to make, but I don't know what I want" "I'm lonely, why don't I have any friends?" “I'm driving the whole world crazy, I can't sit still."
In sessions with adults I use techniques and interventions from the coaching and psychotherapy worlds to take a look with you at what bothers you and what you would like to see differently. By combining the worlds of Psychotherapy and Coaching, we work deeply and at the same time goal-oriented and process-driven. From the psychotherapy world we come to “what do I feel? How do I express this? What are my patterns?" and from the coaching world we approach matters goal-oriented, solution-oriented and practical.
You will soon notice the results of this combination approach. Together we look at the thought and behaviour patterns that stand in your way or that hinder you and together we try to find new patterns and ways that can support you and lead you to where you want to be.
Heb je het idee dat je niet meer weet wat er in je kind omgaat? Weet je niet zeker waarom het bedtijdritueel altijd in huilen eindigt, waarna jij je gefrustreerd en uitgeput voelt? Vind je dat je als ouder niet altijd op de juiste manier met je kind omgaat of communiceert (dat vinden we trouwens allemaal wel eens!) Dit type consult biedt jou steun in je rol als ouder. Het aantal sessies dat je waarschijnlijk nodig hebt hangt af van jou en van het probleem waar je mee zit. Soms heb je maar een of twee sessie nodig!
Tijdens deze sessies praten wij over het probleem, proberen we het in de kern te doorgronden en gaan we op zoek naar manieren om ermee om te gaan. Het doel is om jou inzicht te geven in de diverse situaties waar je als ouder mee te maken hebt en op zoek te gaan naar geschikte oplossingen, die goed bij jou en je familie passen.
Soms werken we ook samen met scholen en leraren, zodat we een compleet overzicht krijgen van de uitdagingen of moeilijkheden waar je kind mee zit. Met jouw toestemming observeer ik je kind terwijl hij of zij op school is (meestal is één keertje genoeg) en vertel ik je wat ik zag en hoe ik denk dat jij je kind kunt helpen in het overwinnen van zijn of haar moeilijkheden.
I am a child therapist, parenting coach and Youth Coach practitioner. I have been working with families struggling with various challenges for over 20 years.
After obtaining my Bachelor’s degree in Education (B.ed) I studied developmental psychology at Columbia University in New York. After that I completed another Master’s degree in Pedagogy (Ed.M) at Harvard University in Boston. This Master was aimed at better understanding and being able to analyse the thinking and learning processes of children.
After graduating I enjoyed working in various schools, kindergartens and childcare, both in the United States and Israel and here, in the Netherlands. In 2008 I set up my own therapy practice in Amsterdam where I have been supporting families for years.
In my work within these different organisations I have also dealt with different family circumstances and with a wide spectrum of problems and challenges for both children and parents. I realised that these problems have an effect not only on the children themselves, but also on their families.
After becoming a mother myself, I realised how difficult it can be to put theory into practice when it comes to parenting. I also realised that sometimes we could all use the insight of others, practical tips or ways to recognise a problem (before it is full blown) as well as ways to cope with various situations we face as parents. I also realised how difficult it can be for a parent to see their child unhappy or needing help, and not knowing how to assist them.
I try to corporate all these aspects of parenting and child therapy in my practice in Amsterdam.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out, I’d love to help you help your family become happier!
Dana Franssen-Hassner
Dana is great with children. She really knows how to get them to tell her their concerns. In addition, she approaches the family systematically, so that the changes are implemented quickly. Her knowledge of multiple cultures is a warm bath and a feast of recognition for families who also have to deal with multiple cultures from home.
(WM, father of three sons).
With Dana's proactive help and loving approach we got through a very tough period. We were able to implement practical and creative (!) Tips in an easy way that suited us well and suited our routines. I always felt I could talk to Dana about anything, I wasn't ashamed because she was always understanding and never judgmental. I really feel like I've grown as a mother and wife, thanks to Dana.
I have to say - I still contact Dana from time to time when I need some tips, or when a new challenge is imminent (such as a new baby, changing eating patterns, or other age-related challenges.
(JP, mother of two daughters).
I approached Dana for a consultation because I needed an outside, experienced psychotherapist who specialises in family interactions and focuses primarily on children. Dana is proactive and has very practical, down-to-earth insights… She creates a familiar and comfortable atmosphere, both for my child and for myself.