Good to know: You do not need a referral from your g.p. and no information or diagnosis will end up in your medical file. You pay for the sessions yourself once a month and send the paid bill to your insurance.
I don't have waiting lists, because I believe that if you need help, you need it now and not in 6 months from now. If I can not offer you a spot, I will let you know immediately and refer you to a colleague.
Coaching The number of sessions you may require depends on your objective and differs per client. The average number is 5 to 8 sessions. During an interim session we decide together whether the process will be continued and/or how many more sessions will follow.
Therapie As with coaching, the number of sessions is determined by you and me together and differs per client.
Psychotherapy sessions usually fall under "Alternative medicine" on your health insurance, however many providers do not cover therapy and coaching. Tip: Contact your health insurer prior to the start of the process to see what reimbursement is possible on an annual basis. This depends on the type of additional insurance you have purchased (“aanvullende pakket”).
Good news: the reimbursement is not part of your deductibles (“‘eigen risico’), when you file your taxes. You may therefore be able to keep the reimbursed amount, if your deductible amount has not yet been used up.
If your insurance provider does not recognise therapy as part of the basic insurance package, you can sometimes claim some of the costs as “special health costs” (“bijzondere ziektekosten”) on your tax form.
A session needs to be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. (In all other cases you will be charged for a full session.)
My name is Dana Franssen-Hassner
I am a child therapist, parenting coach and Youth Coach practitioner. I have been working with families struggling with various challenges for over 20 years.
After obtaining my Bachelor’s degree in Education (B.ed) I studied developmental psychology at Columbia University in New York. After that I completed another Master’s degree in Pedagogy (Ed.M) at Harvard University in Boston. This Master was aimed at better understanding and being able to analyse the thinking and learning processes of children.
After graduating I enjoyed working in various schools, kindergartens and childcare, both in the United States and Israel and here, in the Netherlands. In 2008 I set up my own therapy practice in Amsterdam where I have been supporting families for years.
In my work within these different organisations I have also dealt with different family circumstances and with a wide spectrum of problems and challenges for both children and parents. I realised that these problems have an effect not only on the children themselves, but also on their families.
After becoming a mother myself, I realised how difficult it can be to put theory into practice when it comes to parenting. I also realised that sometimes we could all use the insight of others, practical tips or ways to recognise a problem (before it is full blown) as well as ways to cope with various situations we face as parents. I also realised how difficult it can be for a parent to see their child unhappy or needing help, and not knowing how to assist them.
I try to corporate all these aspects of parenting and child therapy in my practice in Amsterdam.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out, I’d love to help you help your family become happier!
Dana Franssen-Hassner
Dana is great with children. She really knows how to get them to tell her their concerns. In addition, she approaches the family systematically, so that the changes are implemented quickly. Her knowledge of multiple cultures is a warm bath and a feast of recognition for families who also have to deal with multiple cultures from home.
(WM, father of three sons).
With Dana's proactive help and loving approach we got through a very tough period. We were able to implement practical and creative (!) Tips in an easy way that suited us well and suited our routines. I always felt I could talk to Dana about anything, I wasn't ashamed because she was always understanding and never judgmental. I really feel like I've grown as a mother and wife, thanks to Dana.
I have to say - I still contact Dana from time to time when I need some tips, or when a new challenge is imminent (such as a new baby, changing eating patterns, or other age-related challenges.
(JP, mother of two daughters).
I approached Dana for a consultation because I needed an outside, experienced psychotherapist who specialises in family interactions and focuses primarily on children. Dana is proactive and has very practical, down-to-earth insights… She creates a familiar and comfortable atmosphere, both for my child and for myself.